How to create an e-mail account at   |  Link to Page 2    |  Link to Page 3   |  Link to Page 4


The first question to ask yourself is "Do I need/want an e-mail at".  If you don't have an e-mail anywhere, then the answer would probably be yes.  If you have an existing online e-mail like hotmail, then the answer will still probably be yes because this is better.  If you have an existing e-mail already set up somewhere else (even hotmail) and just want to direct mail to your existing account elsewhere, you can skip Step 1 and go directly to Step 2: Directing mail.  

Step 1: Creating an e-mail address at


With your web browser (Internet explorer), go to

(You may wish to open a second window of Internet explorer, so you can easily switch between this guide and the sonic page.) 

At, select member tools.  It is on the left side of the screen under member tools.

Type in the username and password for admin rights  (If you do not know the username and password, call or e-mail me or Clint)

After you are successfully logged in, you will see some menu choices on the left side if the screen.  Select Email and then Manage Mailboxes .

In the Manage Mailboxes window, enter your new mailbox name and press continue.  The tools will now ask you if that is the correct name and prompt you to press continue again.  Press continue .

If  the name you chose has never been used by anyone, you will move forward with the name creation process. 

If your name is already taken, you will be prompted to choose another name.  for example, pappy was taken, so I went back and created pappy56.  If your name was taken, you can press the Internet explorer back arrow twice, or re-log into sonic and repeat the above steps. 

Once you have a name, that has not been taken, you will be prompted to give it a password.  The password must contain 6-16 characters and include both letters and numbers.  It is also case sensitive, so if you use any capital letters you will have to remember that.  Don't worry much about the strength of your password, unless your a high ranking politician or secret agent, it is unlikely anyone will try to hack into your account.  Press continue after you have entered your password. 

The next screen simply lets you know the server is busy creating your new e-mail.  Wait about one minute before you do anything.  That's it, your new e-mail address has been completed.

Step 2:  Directing Mail

Now comes the good part.  Setting our e-mail pointer to our newly created address.

This is done in member tools.  If your still in member tools, your ready to begin.  If your not, go to and log in again.

From the menu on the left side of the sonic screen, select Email and then Domain Email Addresses.  You will be prompted to enter the username and password again.  Do so.

The upper part of the screen will show existing pointers.  You will be entering yours under Add New Domain Email Aliases.  This is where we point to our newly created sonic e-mail, or any old existing e-mail elsewhere.

My new sonic e-mail is  So under  Add New Domain Email Aliases, I typed pappy on the left side and on the right side.  Then I clicked on the Make Changes Permanent button at the bottom of the screen.

I also decided since some people call me Blaine instead of Pappy, I should have a pointer for that too.  I put blaine on the left side, and on the right side, clicked Make Changes Permanent button again.

Now, people can send mail to or and it will all go to my actual e-mail of

Enter the name you would like to use on the left, and then the email you created in step 2 on the right.  click Make Changes Permanent.   That's it.  If your not setting up Outlook Express your done.  log out of member tools.

Step 3: Setting up Outlook Express to work with your new sonic e-mail address has a fantastic section showing how to do this.  I just need to write up something here saying to go there with maybe a few tips on things that may not seem clear.









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